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Home Pakistani Baby Names Baby Boy Names With Meaning Starting With J

Baby Boy Names With Meaning Starting With J

Baby Boy Names With Meaning Starting With J

We’ve gathered unique, beautiful and modern names to pick from.

Selecting the perfect baby name involves numerous considerations. It’s not just about finding a moniker that resonates with your family identity, but also one that will stand the test of time from infancy to adulthood, imbued with personal significance. While popularity shouldn’t be the sole determinant for choosing your baby girl’s name, it undoubtedly holds some weight in the decision-making process.

Baby Boy Names With Meaning Starting With J

Striking a balance between a name that aligns with current trends and one that retains a sense of rarity and uniqueness is key. Opting for a name that is overly popular often leads to subsequent regret, making it crucial to navigate the realm of baby names thoughtfully.

Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a valuable resource for staying abreast of naming trends. Annually, the SSA releases a comprehensive list of the top popular baby girl names, shedding light on both established favorites and emerging choices gaining traction. This compilation serves as a useful guide for parents navigating the delicate task of selecting a name that seamlessly combines contemporary appeal with timeless elegance.

JaafarSmall river
JabbarPowerful, mighty
JahangirWorld conqueror
JalalGlory, grandeur
JamilBeautiful, handsome
JunaidSoldier, warrior
JibranMountain breeze
JawadGenerous, open-handed
JahanWorld, universe
JaleelGreat, revered
JalilRevered, honored
JazibBeautiful, attractive
JafferRivulet, small creek
JumalHandsome, good-looking
JahanzebAdornment of the world
JazibBeautiful, attractive
JalaalSplendor, glory
JaserBrave, daring
JibranResult of great effort
More Baby Boy Names.
JazibBeautiful, attractive
JaheerHelper, supporter
JalaalSplendor, glory
JunoonPassion, enthusiasm
JawaadOpenhanded, generous
JazeelGood judgment
JameelBeautiful, handsome
JibranResult of great effort
JaamiCollector, gatherer
JafarRivulet, small creek
JahaaziSailor, navigator
JaleedPowerful, noble
JalilRevered, honored
JalalLoftiness, grandeur
JareerCorpulent, strong
JarrarCourageous, valiant
JazlaanPride, glory
JazoolAttacker, assaulter
JeelanIt means treasure
JibraanGabriel, name of an angel
JummalHandsome, good-looking
JunaydYoung warrior
JurjisFarmer, tiller of the soil
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JabirConsoler, comforter
JahaangirWorld conqueror
JaishStrong, powerful
JalilExalted, noble
JariPowerful, bold
JasmirStrong, handsome
JavadEternal, ever-living
JazlaanPride, glory
JibrilArchangel Gabriel
JihanUniverse, world
JunaynWarrior, young fighter
JaazibAttractive, handsome
JameelBeautiful, handsome
JibraanGabriel, name of an angel
JaunKindhearted, compassionate
JazibBeautiful, attractive
JaleelGreat, majestic
JawaadGenerous, open-handed
JahshAgile, quick
JaleesCompanion, friend
JaamiOne who gathers, collects
JazeelGood judgment
JanaanHeart, soul
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JalilHonorable, dignified
JaferRivulet, small stream
JumalHandsome, good-looking
JanaidWarrior, brave
JibranResult of great effort
JahidStriving, hardworking
JawharPrecious, jewel
JahanbazBold as the world
JazibAttractive, charming
JahaazShip, vessel
JahaanWorld, universe
JafirLittle stream, brook
JahaangeerWorld conqueror
JannatullahGarden of Allah
JaserBrave, daring
JazeemGreat, determined
JazoolAttacker, assailant
JunoonPassion, madness
JaishArmy, military
JalwaaSight, spectacle
JummalAttractive, charming
JavairCourageous, bold
JalaaluddinGlory of the faith
JumaalBeauty, grace
JawaahirJewels, gemstones
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JanaanHeart, soul
JaleedPowerful, noble
JaleelRevered, honored
JareerCorpulent, strong
JariPowerful, bold
JarrarCourageous, valiant
JawwadGenerous, kind
JazaReward, compensation
JazbaPassion, emotion
JazeeBrave, courageous
JazerFearless, bold
JazibHandsome, attractive
JibranCreative, expressive
JihadStruggle, holy war
JihanWorld, universe
JinnahGracious, generous
JoudGenerosity, magnificence
JubaerCourageous, brave
JubranConsoler, comforter
JumalGood-looking, handsome
JumanSilver, pearl
JundiArmy, troop
JunnaidFighter, warrior
JuzarCompetent, capable
JuzuPortion, segment


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