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Home Pakistani Baby Names Baby Boy Names With Meanings Starting With D

Baby Boy Names With Meanings Starting With D

Baby Boy Names With Meanings Starting With D

We’ve gathered unique, beautiful and modern names to pick from.

Selecting the perfect baby name involves numerous considerations. It’s not just about finding a moniker that resonates with your family identity, but also one that will stand the test of time from infancy to adulthood, imbued with personal significance. While popularity shouldn’t be the sole determinant for choosing your baby Boys name, it undoubtedly holds some weight in the decision-making process.

Baby Boy Names With Meanings Starting With D

Striking a balance between a name that aligns with current trends and one that retains a sense of rarity and uniqueness is key. Opting for a name that is overly popular often leads to subsequent regret, making it crucial to navigate the realm of baby names thoughtfully.

Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a valuable resource for staying abreast of naming trends. Annually, the SSA releases a comprehensive list of the top popular baby girl names, shedding light on both established favorites and emerging choices gaining traction. This compilation serves as a useful guide for parents navigating the delicate task of selecting a name that seamlessly combines contemporary appeal with timeless elegance.

More Baby Boy Names.

EhteshamRespect, honor
ElahiDivine, from God
FaisalJudge, decisive
FarisKnight, horseman
FarhanHappy, joyful
GhaziWarrior, conqueror
HasanHandsome, good
IdrisStudious, smart
IftikharPride, honor
ImranProsperity, happiness
IqbalProsperity, good fortune
IsmaeelA Prophet’s name (Ishmael)
JaafarRivulet, small stream
JunaidSoldier, warrior
KhalidEternal, immortal
KhurramCheerful, happy
LuqmanA Prophet’s name
MaazBrave, strong
MohsinCharitable, beneficent
MustafaChosen one, selected
NabeelNoble, honorable
NadeemCompanion, friend
OmerLife, flourishing
QasimDistributor, one who gives
RafayHigh, exalted
SaadFelicity, good fortune
ShahzaibCrown of a king
TalhaFruit-bearing tree
UmarLife, long-lived
UsmanBaby snake, name of the third Caliph
WaqarDignity, sobriety
XainVariant of Zain, beauty
YaseenA chapter in the Quran, a Prophet’s name
ZayanAdornment, grace
ZohaibLeader, king

More Baby Boy Names.

DabeetWarrior, brave
DaifGuest, stranger
DaimanEverlasting, perpetual
DanyalA Prophet’s name (Daniel)
DarimBrave, one who fights well
DawarJudge, arbitrator
DayanBright, shining
DildarDevoted, affectionate
DilshadHappy heart, cheerful

More Baby Boy Names.

DaaminGuarantor, surety
DaboorMorning light
DadeerOne who brings change
DafiOne who remedies, healer
DakhilHonest, responsible
DalilGuide, proof
DanyarPearl of wisdom
DarweeshDevotee, ascetic
DastanTale, story
DaulatWealth, prosperity
DawoodBeloved, a Prophet’s name (David)
DayaanA powerful ruler, judge
DervishSufi mystic, ascetic

More Baby Boy Names.
Da’ifWeak, humble
DabirScribe, scholar
DahiQuick, intelligent
DaimPerpetual, constant
DaiyanA mighty ruler, judge
DaoudA Prophet’s name (David)
DaraabGentle, patient
DarakhDark, handsome
DariAffluent, rich
DarooghLiar, deceiver
DaryabSea, ocean
DawarTime, age
DayyanatReligion, piety
DildarHeartfelt, beloved
DilnawazAttractive, charming
DilshadHappy heart, cheerful
DinarGold coin
DuaaSupplication, prayer
DulfazHeartfelt, sincere

More Baby Boy Names.

DaqiqPrecise, accurate
DaraPossessor of wealth
DastgirProtector, supporter
DawoudArabic form of David, a Prophet’s name
DayyanA righteous judge
DihyaA companion of the Prophet Muhammad
DinarGold coin
DurraniPearl-like, precious
DuyufGuests, hospitality


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