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Home Islamic Baby Names Unique Baby Girl Names Starting With O

Unique Baby Girl Names Starting With O

Unique Baby Girl Names Starting With O

We’ve gathered unique, beautiful and modern names to pick from.

Selecting the perfect baby name involves numerous considerations. It’s not just about finding a moniker that resonates with your family identity, but also one that will stand the test of time from infancy to adulthood, imbued with personal significance. While popularity shouldn’t be the sole determinant for choosing your baby girl’s name, it undoubtedly holds some weight in the decision-making process.

Striking a balance between a name that aligns with current trends and one that retains a sense of rarity and uniqueness is key. Opting for a name that is overly popular often leads to subsequent regret, making it crucial to navigate the realm of baby names thoughtfully.

Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a valuable resource for staying abreast of naming trends. Annually, the SSA releases a comprehensive list of the top popular baby girl names, shedding light on both established favorites and emerging choices gaining traction. This compilation serves as a useful guide for parents navigating the delicate task of selecting a name that seamlessly combines contemporary appeal with timeless elegance.

Unique Baby Girl Names Starting With O
OmaimaFlourishing, life
OmairaLife, flourishing
OmanaFaithful, obedient
OmniaWish, desire
OraibaCharm, grace
OrzalaBrightness, radiance
OsaimaDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
OsmaProtector, defender
OshnaPious, obedient
OsmaProtector, defender
OwaisaA companion of the Prophet Muhammad
OwraLight, radiant
OwsiyaIlluminating, shining
OzaraLight, illumination
More Baby Girl Names.
OafLoyal, faithful
OanaGift from Allah
ObaizaNoble, high-born
OfaSupport, aid
OhidaOne who is ready for war
OkaiyaBeloved, dear
OmanaFaithful, obedient
OmaimaFlourishing, life
OmniaWish, desire
OrzalaBrightness, radiance
OsaimaDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
OsmaProtector, defender
OshnaPious, obedient
OwaisaA companion of the Prophet Muhammad
OwraLight, radiant
OwsiyaIlluminating, shining
OzaraLight, illumination
OzaifaModest, virtuous
OzaifiaModesty, humility
OzairaHelper, supporter
OzaizaGentle, delicate
OzaraIlluminating, radiant
OzmaPurity, innocence
OzraPure, chaste
OzviraBrave, courageous
OyiaDelicate, tender
OyshiLife, alive
OyainaShining, glittering
OyishaAlive, living
OysraGentle, soft
OytunFull moon
OyzaPeace, tranquility
OyshaAlive, well
OyshaLight, brightness
OzaifaGentle, modest
More Baby Girl Names.
OzaifahGentle, modest
OzaifiaModesty, humility
OzainaUnique, exceptional
OzaraIlluminating, radiant
OzmaPurity, innocence
OzraPure, chaste
OzviraBrave, courageous
OyiaDelicate, tender
OyshiLife, alive
OyainaShining, glittering
OyishaAlive, living
OysraGentle, soft
OytunFull moon
OyzaPeace, tranquility
OyshaAlive, well
OyshaLight, brightness
OzaifaGentle, modest
OzaifahCompassionate, tender
OzaifiaModesty, humility
OzaizaGentle, delicate
OzaraLight, illumination
OzbeyaLoyal, devoted
OzmaInnocent, pure
OzniaModest, humble
OznimGentle, tender
OzyraBrave, courageous
OzyreRadiant, shining
OzzaStrong, powerful
OzzaraIlluminating, radiant
OzzehSweet, pleasant
OzziaPure, chaste
OzzraRadiant, shining
OzzunaGracious, kind
OzzviraBrave, courageous
More Baby Girl Names.
OfaLoyal, faithful
OiaLife, existence
OiraTo perceive, to see
OkaCherished, treasured
OmaLife, flourishing
OmaraElegant, graceful
OmniaWish, desire
OnimaSunlight, brightness
OraLight, radiance
OrzalaBrightness, radiance
OsaBrave, courageous
OsmaProtector, defender
OveeraCreative, artistic
OwaisaA companion of the Prophet Muhammad
OwraLight, radiant
OwsiaRadiant, shining
OyshaAlive, living
OzaraLight, illumination
OzmaPurity, innocence
OzraPure, chaste
OzviraBrave, courageous
OyiaDelicate, tender
OyshiLife, alive
OyainaShining, glittering
OyishaAlive, living
OysraGentle, soft
OytunFull moon
OyzaPeace, tranquility
OyshaAlive, well
OzaifaGentle, modest
OzaifahCompassionate, tender
OzaifiaModesty, humility
OzaizaGentle, delicate
OzaraLight, illumination
OzbeyaLoyal, devoted
OzmaInnocent, pure
OzniaModest, humble
OznimGentle, tender
OzyraBrave, courageous
OzyreRadiant, shining
OzzaStrong, powerful
OzzaraIlluminating, radiant
OzzehSweet, pleasant
OzziaPure, chaste
OzzraRadiant, shining
OzzunaGracious, kind
OzzviraBrave, courageous
More Baby Girl Names.
OahraRadiant, shining
OairaNoble, distinguished
ObiyaBeautiful, radiant
OdaLively, vivacious
OdraFragrant, aromatic
OebaLeader, chief
OhaHappiness, joy
OhedaSupport, pillar
OhibaGift, present
OjaAlive, living
OkraBlossom, flower
OlaHigh, exalted
OlaraUnique, peerless
OmanaFaithful, devoted
OmayraRed rose
OnayaGift of God
OraLight, radiance
OrbiaBright, radiant
OrisaLight, brightness
OvraFragrance, aroma
OwaNoble, eminent
OwiyaIlluminating, shining
OwmaHope, expectation
OzaraIlluminating, radiant
OzmaPurity, innocence
OzraPure, chaste
OzunaGracious, kind
OzzaraRadiant light
OzzehSweet, pleasant
OzziaPure, chaste
OzzraRadiant, shining
OzzunaGracious, kind
OzzviraBrave, courageous


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